Zur Website der OTH Regensburg

What is work & organizational psychology?

One focus is the interplay between the professional and private spheres of life, which can manifest itself in the form of positive (so-called work-family-enrichment) and negative transfer effects (so-called work-family-conflict). We are also investigating the construct of occupational future time perspective. In addition to chronological age, our perception of time plays a decisive role when it comes to commitment to work or work-related attitudes.

Research in the lab

  • Transfer effects between the professional and private spheres in an academic context
  • Occupational Future Time Perspective

Our expertise

Eine Person bedient ein iPad
Foto: Unsplash / Marta Filipczyk

Quantitative research

Our research methodology focuses on quantitative data collection. In particular, we use online surveys for cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys.

Ein rotes Herz aus Einsen und Nullen hebt sich von weißen Einsen und Nullen ab
Binäres Herz. Foto: Unsplash / Alexander Sinn

Statistical evaluation

We analyze data using SPSS. We use both simpler statistical models, such as linear regressions, and more complex statistical models, such as hierarchical linear models.

The team

Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann


or hr-research@oth-regensburg.de,

Phone +49 941 943-9250