Zur Website der OTH Regensburg

About the laboratory

The Building Physics Laboratory is dedicated to research and teaching on the topics of thermal insulation, moisture protection and sound insulation in buildings. Special emphasis is placed on the acoustic characterization of constructions and building materials as well as the investigation of the energy efficiency of buildings and districts.


In teaching, the Building Physics Laboratory is comprehensively represented in various degree courses through lectures and laboratory practicals as well as student work.

Students on the Bachelor's degree courses in Civil Engineering and Building Climatology experience the Building Physics Laboratory in various basic practical courses right at the start of their studies. For example, they measure the thermal conductivity or acoustic absorption coefficient of various building materials, learn how a heat pump works or experimentally determine the sound insulation value of a wall.

In advanced laboratory practicals or practical exercises, students learn how to use sound level meters, measure thermal comfort or perform thermography with a thermal imaging camera.

Bachelor's and Master's theses solve application-oriented, current problems and combine the practical skills of the students with the equipment of the Building Physics Laboratory. This is done regularly as part of current research projects or collaborations with industrial partners such as engineering firms.

The Building Physics Laboratory regularly offers topics for student theses (Bachelor's theses, Master's theses, project work). It is also available to supervise external work. If you are interested, please contact the building physics professors.


The Building Physics Laboratory is characterized by application-oriented and innovative research, particularly in the fields of energy efficiency in buildings and sound insulation.





Current research projects



Sound engineering planning principles for pipelines and fastening elements

How can it be predicted during the construction phase how noise sources (e.g. pipelines; technical building systems) will affect the occupants? The project aims to answer this question, which is important for the entire field of building acoustics, for the first time using the example of water-bearing piping systems.

Cooperation partners: Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences; Technical University of Berlin; Fischerwerke GmbH & Co.

Principal investigator at OTH Regensburg: Prof. Dr. Christoph Höller


Paper-based room acoustic elements

Development of a multilayer composite optimized for sound absorption for room acoustic elements made of fibre-based and highly filled individual paper layers through the combined use of numerical simulation methodology and metrological validation.

Cooperation partner: Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS), Heidenau

Principal investigators at OTH Regensburg; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Wagner (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Prof. Dr. Christoph Höller (Faculty of ANK)

Laboratory equipment

    • Wall sound transmission test suite including measurement equipment (DIN EN ISO 10140)
    • Reception plate including measurement equipment (DIN EN 15657)

    • Impedance tube incl. measurement technology for measuring the acoustic absorption coefficient in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10534
    • Flow resistance measuring device for measuring the flow resistance in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9053-1
    • Test stand for measuring dynamic stiffness in accordance with DIN EN 29052

    • Vibration measurement technology (accelerometers, shakers, instrumented hammers, impedance head, etc.) for measuring structure-borne sound and sound transmission in buildings
    • Sound level meters (NTi Audio XL2) for measuring the sound pressure level in various situations
    • Measurement technology for airborne and impact sound measurements in buildings

    • Thermal imaging cameras (testo 882 and 885) for thermographic measurements
    • Comfort set (testo 400) for measuring thermal comfort and PMV/PPD in accordance with DIN EN ISO 7730

  • The Building Physics Laboratory uses standard software tools for building physics verifications and energy balancing of buildings. In addition, specialized software tools are available for teaching and research.

    • CadnaA for calculating sound propagation outdoors
    • CadnaR for calculating sound propagation indoors
    • Hottgenroth Energieberater for calculating the energy efficiency of buildings
    • Hottgenroth SWS for simulating protection against summer overheating
    • ZUB Argos Pro for calculating thermal bridges
    • IDA ICE for thermal building simulations
    • WUFI Plus and WUFI 3D for hygrothermal simulations
    • COMSOL for finite element calculations
    • MATLAB for self-programmed data analyses, simulations, and calculations


Contract research

The Building Physics Laboratory is available for consultations and measurements on building physics issues as well as research and development projects as part of contract research. If you are interested, please contact the laboratory managers.


Laboratory management: Prof. Dr. Christoph Höller (Building Acoustics)

Laboratory management: Prof. Dr. Oliver Steffens (Building Physics)

Technical assistant: Sven Lange

Research assistant: Georg Bäumler

Research assistant: Anna Rieger

Research assistant: Mubashar Rafiq

Research assistant: Paul Schoplocher

Completed research projects

  • Energy modernization of the cooperative residential quarter Margarethenau Regensburg


  • Renewable energy supply as the focus of sustainable restoration of historic city districts

Contact us

Prof. Dr. Christoph Höller

Phone: 0941-943-9855


Prof. Dr. Oliver Steffens

Phone: 0941-943-1003




Laboratory for Building Physics

Galgenbergstr. 30

93053 Regensburg

Room I 009

Site plan