Zur Website der OTH Regensburg

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Professorinnen und Professoren und über 73 Mitarbeitende




Partnerhochschulen aus 22 Ländern






Prof. Dr. Katherine Gürtler


Dekanin der Fakultät Angewandte Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften

Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Englisch

Intercultural Communication and English, Foreign Languages Programme

Beauftragte für Fremdsprachenausbildung

Ämter und Funktionen


    • Medienkompetenz
    • Schreibkompetenz
    • Technical English
    • Business English
    • Interkulturelle Kommunikation
    • Verhandlungstechniken

    • Technical English 1 (AW-Programm)
    • Technical English 2 (General Studies Program)
    • Technical English for Computer Science (B.Sc. Informatik)
    • Science and Technology in Germany (AW International Programme)

    • Academic Writing (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Consultation and Decision Support (Int.M. Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies, University of Glasgow/Charles University Prague)
    • Intercultural Communication (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Media Literacy and Current Events (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Negotiation (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Professional English (B.A. International Relations and Management)

  • 2020: "Preis für gute Lehre", Stiftung zur Förderung der OTH Regensburg, anhängig an das Verfahren zur Findung der Preisträger*innen für hervorragende Lehre des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst.

    2020: Erster Preis, "Preis für herausragende Lehre während des Corona-Semesters", Studierendenvertretung der OTH Regensburg und Verein der Freunde der OTH Regensburg e.V.

    2018: Auszeichnung "Zertifikat Hochschullehre Bayern", ProfiLehre/DiZ - Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik.

    2013: Nominierung, "Rosenheimer Lehrpreis für herausragende Qualität in der Lehre", Technische Hochschule Rosenheim.


    • Kritische Medienkompetenz - Media & Democracy Lab (MEDDEM)
    • Englisch als Fremdsprache, insbesondere in den MINT-Fächern - The Pepita Project
    • Interkulturelle und transnationale Kommunikation
    • Vergleichende Bildungsforschung
    • Gender und Bildung (2020 Preis zur „Förderung von Genderprojekten an der OTH Regensburg", unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann)

    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2021) One Size Does Not Fit All: Individuality and Perceptions of Improvement and Satisfaction Among TE Students. English Teaching and Learning 45:303-324. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42321-021-00076-4
    • Koenig, Eric, Katherine Guertler, Dorota Żarnowska and Jolita Horbačauskienė (2020) Developing English language competence for global engineers. IEEE Xplore, 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON): 242-249. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125208
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018) Parlaying students' work experience into practice-oriented ESP. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes 6.2, Special lssue: 277-284. https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP1802277K 
    • Gürtler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2018) Mixed language learner levels in higher education as an adverse effect of post-secondary education de-tracking. Fremdsprachen und Hochschule 93:19-37, Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren.
    • Spiller, Ralf, Matthias Degen, Elke Kronewald and Katherine Guertler (2016) Media watchblogs as an instrument of media accountability: an international survey. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies 5.2:151-176. https://doi.org/10.1386/ajms.5.2.151_1
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Elke Kronewald (2015) Internationalization and English medium instruction in German higher education. In Slobodanka Dimova, Anna Kristina Hultgren and Christian Jensen (eds.) English-medium instruction in European higher education. Berlin: Walter de Grouyter. Pp. 89-114.

    • Koenig, Eric, Katherine Guertler and Jolana Tluková (2023 in prep) From self-preservation to prudent scalability: The changing role of videos in post-pandemic language learning. Global Challenges in Language Teaching and Learning:
      Developments and Innovations.
       Cambridge University Press.
    • Guertler, Katherine, Eric Koenig and Jolana Tluková (2023 in press) Development of technical terminology for novice ESP instructors. In M. Vranová (ed.): New to the LSP Classroom? A Selection of Monographs on Successful Practices. Vernon Press.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2020) Field report: Applied ESP in engineering. Proceedings of 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2020) Fine-“toon”ing technical lexis: Applied gamification and domain-targeting in ESP. Proceedings of 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2019) Supporting weaker students in the mixed-level ESL classroom. C. Haase & N. Orlova (eds.) English Language Teaching Through the Lens of Experience. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 181-194.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2017) Are you experienced? Technical and interpersonal communication prioritization in engineering ESP. In Proceedings of Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education – Current Trends, Approaches and Issues. Brno University of Technology/Tschechien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Gürtler (2017) Schlüsselkompetenz Kommunikation in MINT-Fächern. Im Tagungsband zum 3. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern.
    • Gürtler, Katherine (2013) The English language in teaching in European higher education. Die neue Hochschule, Ausgabe 03 (2013): 75.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Elke Kronewald (2010) The automated analysis of media: PRIME web.Analysis. In Martin Welker and Carsten Wünsch (ed.) Die Online-Inhaltsanalyse. Forschungsobjekt Internet. Cologne: Halem.

    • Holzner, Sophie, and Katherine Guertler (2022 Nov. 10) Marketing the vax meme: The influence of emotions on social media engagement with vaccination memes. Nordicom Review Symposium: Democracy and Disintegration: Actors, Platforms, Citizens. Stockholm University.
    • Sedlačková, Kateřina, and Katherine Guertler (2022 Sept. 27) "Modern Mobility with Blended Intensive Programmes." Tag der digitalen Lehre 2022. University of Regensburg. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine (2022 June 28) Miteinander in Social Media: Verantwortungsbewusst mit sich und unseren Mitmenschen im Netz umgehen. Podiumsdiskussion der Regensburg School of Digital Sciences.
    • Klose, Katja, and Katherine Guertler. (2022 April 29) "Framing at a state-sponsored news network: Coverage of the Navalny case by RT DE." Illiberal turn: Challenges to democracy and public communication. Loughborough University.
    • Żarnowska, Dorota, Eric Koenig, Katherine Guertler, and Jolita Horbačauskienė (2021 Sept. 17) "International English competence for engineering students." 50th Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań/Polen.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2021 July 9) "The topic of topic in LSP." AELFE-TAPP 2021: Multilingual Academic and Professional Communication in a Networked World. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine (2020 Sept. 28) "Motivation in der digitalen Lehre am Beispiel Quizzes mit H5P." Tag der digitalen Lehre 2020. University of Regensburg. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine, Kateřina Sedláčková, Beatriz Calvo Martín, Sabina Gola & Romain Racine (2020 Sept. 10) "Pluri-/multi-/flexilingual perspectives in teaching and research at language centres." XVI CercleS international conference. Language Centres at a Crossroad: Open Directions for New Generations of Learners. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
    • Guertler, Katherine (2020 June 23) "Erfolgsfaktor Motivation in der digitalen Lehre." InnovativeLehre@OTH Regensburg. In-house best practice. Virtual delivery.
    • Koenig, Eric, Katherine Guertler, Dorota Żarnowska and Jolita Horbačauskienė (2020 April 30) "Developing English language competence for global engineers." 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). University of Coimbra/University of Porto/Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2019 Nov. 16) "English as a Lingua Franca in Manufacturing Professions." Teaching and learning languages in the shadow of lingua franca. Masaryk-Universität, Brno/Tschechische Republik.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2019 Oct. 17) "Creative for a reason, or wherefore creativity in EFL?” Challenges IX: Voices of Creativity and Reason in ELT. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem/Tschechische Republik.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2019 July 11) "Field report: Applied ESP in engineering." 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua, Italien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2019 July 10) "Fine-“toon”ing technical lexis: Applied gamification and domain-targeting in ESP." 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua, Italien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018 Sept. 06) "Technical and interpersonal communication prioritization in engineering ESP." XV CercleS International Conference 2018: "Broad Perspecitves on Language Education in the Globalized World". Poznan University of Technology, Posen/Polen.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018 Apr. 03) "Report: Longitudinal study of undergraduate engineers." GELS Training Week. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm/Schweden.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018 Mar. 22) "Supporting weaker students in the mixed-level ESL classroom." Challenges of Foreign Language Teaching 8. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem/Tschechische Republik.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Gürtler (2018 Mar. 3) "Student heterogeneity and English language competence  – causes and consequences for UAS technical English." 30. Arbeitstagung des Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/Deutschland.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2018 Feb. 3) "Rev your engines: ESP needs analysis for the automotive industry." 3rd International Conference, Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions. University College EFFECTUS, Zagreb/Kroatien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler. (2017 Nov. 10) "Are you experienced? Technical and interpersonal communication prioritization in engineering ESP." Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education – Current Trends, Approaches and Issues. Brno University of Technology/Tschechische Republik.
    • Gürtler, Katherine (2017 Nov. 8) "English today for an international tomorrow." Dies Studiosus, OTH Regensburg.
    • Gürtler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2017 Sept. 26) "Schlüsselkompetenz Kommunikation in MINT-Fächern." 3. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm. Nürnberg/Deutschland.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2017 June 29) "Learner heterogeneity in the LSP classroom: expectations and strategies." 21st Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Bergen/Norwegen.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2017 June 2) "Leveraging the vocational advantage." CAES International Conference Faces of English 2: Teaching and researching academic and professional English. University of Hong Kong.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Elke Kronewald (2013 Apr. 20) "Implementing internationalization: English-medium instruction in Germany." The English Language in Teaching in European Higher Education. University of Copenhagen/Dänemark.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Wolfgang Jung (2008 Oct. 25) "Turning public opinion into an asset." IBM Information on Demand Conference. Las Vegas/USA.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Jochen Dörre (2008 June 4) "Real-world text analysis solutions with IBM OmniFind Enterprise Edition." IBM Information on Demand EMEA Conference. Den Haag/Niederlande.


  • Ph.D in Linguistik, University of Cambridge, Selwyn College, England

    • Thema: Size restrictions in prosodic morphology
    • Betreuer: Dr. Paul de Lacy (emeritus)
    • Gastdoktorandin Rutgers the State University, New Jersey, USA

    M.Phil. in Linguistik, University of Cambridge, Selwyn College, England

    • Abschlussnote: Mit Auszeichnung (starred first)
    • Betreuer: Dr. Paul de Lacy (emeritus)

    Bachelor in Linguistik und Germanistik, Rice University, Houston/Texas/USA


    • Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
    • Technische Universität Dresden/Deutschland

  • Professur für Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Englisch an der OTH Regensburg (seit 2014)

    • AW-Sprachenprogramm
    • B.A.-Programm International Relations and Management

    Forschungssemester bei BMW Werk Regensburg (2017)

    • Forschungsprojekt zu interner Kommunikation und interkultureller Kompetenz

    Professur für Englisch an der FH Rosenheim

    • Fremdsprachenprogramm

    Sprachwissenschaftliche Projektleitung bei PRIME Research in Mainz

    • Beratung zu PR-Strategie, Medienüberwachung und Analyse für Kunden, v.a. in den Automobil- und Pharmaindustrien
    • Produktmanagement und Marketing einer Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Lösung mit einer B2B-Marketingstrategie, Kundengesprächen und Produktvorstellungen
    • Entwicklung von Daten- und Textminingsoftware für die automatische Sammlung und Analyse von Online Media Content

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der National Defense University in Washington, USA

    • Forschung zu strategischen Implikationen der Integration von Migranten in Europa


    • (2022) The intersection of gendered disinformation and state-aligned influence operations: RT DE’s framing of Annalena Baerbock in the 2021 German federal election.
    • (2022) Political communication and agenda setting in the adaptation of a national party platform to a local constituency: An analysis of the communication strategy of an SPD direct candidate in the 2021 German federal election.
    • (2022) Securitizing disinformation and foreign influence operations after Russia’s annexation of Crimea: The EU’s approach.
    • (2022) Discourse analysis of political commentary and logical reasoning: An analysis of the coverage by Tucker Carlson on the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.
    • (2022) Framing abortion restrictions in the United States: The arguments for the Hyde Amendment in pro-life discourse. Preis der Christa-Lindner-Stiftung für eine herausragende Abschlussarbeit.
    • (2022) German foreign policy communication strategy regarding the 2019-2020 pro-democratic movement in Hong Kong: A qualitative content analysis and frame analysis.
    • (2022) Countering influence operations in Germany: An empirical, comparative analysis inspired by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
    • (2022) Politische Instrumentalisierung geschlechtergerechter Sprache: Analyse des Framings der Partei AfD während des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2021.
    • (2022) The use of neuromarketing techniques in the communication behavior of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele on his Twitter account during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • (2021) Marketing the vax meme: The influence of emotions on social media engagement with vaccination memes. Preis der Christa-Lindner-Stiftung für eine herausragende Abschlussarbeit.
    • (2021) Mobilizations against Covid-19 measures: Collective Action Frames and the functionalization of child-protection in Germany. Written in cooperation with the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung.
    • (2021) Social-Media-Marketing für Pensionen in Deutschland.
    • (2021) Framing at a state-sponsored news network: Coverage of the Navalny case by RT DE. Preis der Christa-Lindner-Stiftung für eine herausragende Abschlussarbeit.
    • (2021) The Brazilian business environment: The reaction of the business sector to the fight against corporate corruption and ways forward.
    • (2020) Reporting on German federal ministers: Gender balance in media visibility.
    • (2020) The influence of interest groups on the reporting of leading media in Germany: The example of the political PR practice of the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft.
    • (2019) Change management in organizations. A resource-based analysis of change communication in dynamic change processes.
    • (2019) Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility. A comparison of strategies in the textile industry.

    • (2018) A digital presidency. Agenda-shaping during the presidency of the Council of the European Union: the case of Estonia.
    • (2017) Mediation in international negotiations: Norway and Cuba’s roles in the Colombian peace talks.

    • (2022) The link between German language competence and cultural intelligence among international people in Germany.
    • (2020) Employee onboarding sensitive to the potentials, needs and vocational stressors of refugees.
    • (2017) Cultural values and vocational education and training: an analysis of Germany and the United States.
    • (2017) Intercultural competence through language learning: an empirical investigation at secondary schools in Bavaria.
    • (2016) Integration von humanitären Migranten in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt: unterstützende Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Integration durch die duale Ausbildung.

    • (2020) Die Auswirkungen des Corona-Virus auf die Mobilität: eine Mixed-Methods-Studie zur Verkehrsmittelwahl junger Menschen in Deutschland am Beispiel des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs. Veröffentlicht als Fachbeitrag in Internationales Verkehrwesen 72 (4).



Prof. Dr. Katherine Gürtler


Dekanin der Fakultät Angewandte Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften

Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Englisch

Intercultural Communication and English, Foreign Languages Programme

Beauftragte für Fremdsprachenausbildung

Ämter und Funktionen


    • Medienkompetenz
    • Schreibkompetenz
    • Technical English
    • Business English
    • Interkulturelle Kommunikation
    • Verhandlungstechniken

    • Technical English 1 (AW-Programm)
    • Technical English 2 (General Studies Program)
    • Technical English for Computer Science (B.Sc. Informatik)
    • Science and Technology in Germany (AW International Programme)

    • Academic Writing (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Consultation and Decision Support (Int.M. Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies, University of Glasgow/Charles University Prague)
    • Intercultural Communication (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Media Literacy and Current Events (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Negotiation (B.A. International Relations and Management)
    • Professional English (B.A. International Relations and Management)

  • 2020: "Preis für gute Lehre", Stiftung zur Förderung der OTH Regensburg, anhängig an das Verfahren zur Findung der Preisträger*innen für hervorragende Lehre des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst.

    2020: Erster Preis, "Preis für herausragende Lehre während des Corona-Semesters", Studierendenvertretung der OTH Regensburg und Verein der Freunde der OTH Regensburg e.V.

    2018: Auszeichnung "Zertifikat Hochschullehre Bayern", ProfiLehre/DiZ - Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik.

    2013: Nominierung, "Rosenheimer Lehrpreis für herausragende Qualität in der Lehre", Technische Hochschule Rosenheim.


    • Kritische Medienkompetenz - Media & Democracy Lab (MEDDEM)
    • Englisch als Fremdsprache, insbesondere in den MINT-Fächern - The Pepita Project
    • Interkulturelle und transnationale Kommunikation
    • Vergleichende Bildungsforschung
    • Gender und Bildung (2020 Preis zur „Förderung von Genderprojekten an der OTH Regensburg", unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann)

    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2021) One Size Does Not Fit All: Individuality and Perceptions of Improvement and Satisfaction Among TE Students. English Teaching and Learning 45:303-324. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42321-021-00076-4
    • Koenig, Eric, Katherine Guertler, Dorota Żarnowska and Jolita Horbačauskienė (2020) Developing English language competence for global engineers. IEEE Xplore, 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON): 242-249. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125208
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018) Parlaying students' work experience into practice-oriented ESP. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes 6.2, Special lssue: 277-284. https://doi.org/10.22190/JTESAP1802277K 
    • Gürtler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2018) Mixed language learner levels in higher education as an adverse effect of post-secondary education de-tracking. Fremdsprachen und Hochschule 93:19-37, Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren.
    • Spiller, Ralf, Matthias Degen, Elke Kronewald and Katherine Guertler (2016) Media watchblogs as an instrument of media accountability: an international survey. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies 5.2:151-176. https://doi.org/10.1386/ajms.5.2.151_1
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Elke Kronewald (2015) Internationalization and English medium instruction in German higher education. In Slobodanka Dimova, Anna Kristina Hultgren and Christian Jensen (eds.) English-medium instruction in European higher education. Berlin: Walter de Grouyter. Pp. 89-114.

    • Koenig, Eric, Katherine Guertler and Jolana Tluková (2023 in prep) From self-preservation to prudent scalability: The changing role of videos in post-pandemic language learning. Global Challenges in Language Teaching and Learning:
      Developments and Innovations.
       Cambridge University Press.
    • Guertler, Katherine, Eric Koenig and Jolana Tluková (2023 in press) Development of technical terminology for novice ESP instructors. In M. Vranová (ed.): New to the LSP Classroom? A Selection of Monographs on Successful Practices. Vernon Press.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2020) Field report: Applied ESP in engineering. Proceedings of 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2020) Fine-“toon”ing technical lexis: Applied gamification and domain-targeting in ESP. Proceedings of 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2019) Supporting weaker students in the mixed-level ESL classroom. C. Haase & N. Orlova (eds.) English Language Teaching Through the Lens of Experience. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 181-194.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2017) Are you experienced? Technical and interpersonal communication prioritization in engineering ESP. In Proceedings of Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education – Current Trends, Approaches and Issues. Brno University of Technology/Tschechien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Gürtler (2017) Schlüsselkompetenz Kommunikation in MINT-Fächern. Im Tagungsband zum 3. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern.
    • Gürtler, Katherine (2013) The English language in teaching in European higher education. Die neue Hochschule, Ausgabe 03 (2013): 75.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Elke Kronewald (2010) The automated analysis of media: PRIME web.Analysis. In Martin Welker and Carsten Wünsch (ed.) Die Online-Inhaltsanalyse. Forschungsobjekt Internet. Cologne: Halem.

    • Holzner, Sophie, and Katherine Guertler (2022 Nov. 10) Marketing the vax meme: The influence of emotions on social media engagement with vaccination memes. Nordicom Review Symposium: Democracy and Disintegration: Actors, Platforms, Citizens. Stockholm University.
    • Sedlačková, Kateřina, and Katherine Guertler (2022 Sept. 27) "Modern Mobility with Blended Intensive Programmes." Tag der digitalen Lehre 2022. University of Regensburg. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine (2022 June 28) Miteinander in Social Media: Verantwortungsbewusst mit sich und unseren Mitmenschen im Netz umgehen. Podiumsdiskussion der Regensburg School of Digital Sciences.
    • Klose, Katja, and Katherine Guertler. (2022 April 29) "Framing at a state-sponsored news network: Coverage of the Navalny case by RT DE." Illiberal turn: Challenges to democracy and public communication. Loughborough University.
    • Żarnowska, Dorota, Eric Koenig, Katherine Guertler, and Jolita Horbačauskienė (2021 Sept. 17) "International English competence for engineering students." 50th Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań/Polen.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2021 July 9) "The topic of topic in LSP." AELFE-TAPP 2021: Multilingual Academic and Professional Communication in a Networked World. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine (2020 Sept. 28) "Motivation in der digitalen Lehre am Beispiel Quizzes mit H5P." Tag der digitalen Lehre 2020. University of Regensburg. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine, Kateřina Sedláčková, Beatriz Calvo Martín, Sabina Gola & Romain Racine (2020 Sept. 10) "Pluri-/multi-/flexilingual perspectives in teaching and research at language centres." XVI CercleS international conference. Language Centres at a Crossroad: Open Directions for New Generations of Learners. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
    • Guertler, Katherine (2020 June 23) "Erfolgsfaktor Motivation in der digitalen Lehre." InnovativeLehre@OTH Regensburg. In-house best practice. Virtual delivery.
    • Koenig, Eric, Katherine Guertler, Dorota Żarnowska and Jolita Horbačauskienė (2020 April 30) "Developing English language competence for global engineers." 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). University of Coimbra/University of Porto/Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal. Virtual delivery.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2019 Nov. 16) "English as a Lingua Franca in Manufacturing Professions." Teaching and learning languages in the shadow of lingua franca. Masaryk-Universität, Brno/Tschechische Republik.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2019 Oct. 17) "Creative for a reason, or wherefore creativity in EFL?” Challenges IX: Voices of Creativity and Reason in ELT. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem/Tschechische Republik.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2019 July 11) "Field report: Applied ESP in engineering." 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua, Italien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2019 July 10) "Fine-“toon”ing technical lexis: Applied gamification and domain-targeting in ESP." 22nd Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. University of Padua, Italien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018 Sept. 06) "Technical and interpersonal communication prioritization in engineering ESP." XV CercleS International Conference 2018: "Broad Perspecitves on Language Education in the Globalized World". Poznan University of Technology, Posen/Polen.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018 Apr. 03) "Report: Longitudinal study of undergraduate engineers." GELS Training Week. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm/Schweden.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2018 Mar. 22) "Supporting weaker students in the mixed-level ESL classroom." Challenges of Foreign Language Teaching 8. Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem/Tschechische Republik.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Gürtler (2018 Mar. 3) "Student heterogeneity and English language competence  – causes and consequences for UAS technical English." 30. Arbeitstagung des Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/Deutschland.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2018 Feb. 3) "Rev your engines: ESP needs analysis for the automotive industry." 3rd International Conference, Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions. University College EFFECTUS, Zagreb/Kroatien.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler. (2017 Nov. 10) "Are you experienced? Technical and interpersonal communication prioritization in engineering ESP." Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education – Current Trends, Approaches and Issues. Brno University of Technology/Tschechische Republik.
    • Gürtler, Katherine (2017 Nov. 8) "English today for an international tomorrow." Dies Studiosus, OTH Regensburg.
    • Gürtler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2017 Sept. 26) "Schlüsselkompetenz Kommunikation in MINT-Fächern." 3. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm. Nürnberg/Deutschland.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Eric Koenig (2017 June 29) "Learner heterogeneity in the LSP classroom: expectations and strategies." 21st Conference on Language for Specific Purposes. NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Bergen/Norwegen.
    • Koenig, Eric, and Katherine Guertler (2017 June 2) "Leveraging the vocational advantage." CAES International Conference Faces of English 2: Teaching and researching academic and professional English. University of Hong Kong.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Elke Kronewald (2013 Apr. 20) "Implementing internationalization: English-medium instruction in Germany." The English Language in Teaching in European Higher Education. University of Copenhagen/Dänemark.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Wolfgang Jung (2008 Oct. 25) "Turning public opinion into an asset." IBM Information on Demand Conference. Las Vegas/USA.
    • Guertler, Katherine, and Jochen Dörre (2008 June 4) "Real-world text analysis solutions with IBM OmniFind Enterprise Edition." IBM Information on Demand EMEA Conference. Den Haag/Niederlande.


  • Ph.D in Linguistik, University of Cambridge, Selwyn College, England

    • Thema: Size restrictions in prosodic morphology
    • Betreuer: Dr. Paul de Lacy (emeritus)
    • Gastdoktorandin Rutgers the State University, New Jersey, USA

    M.Phil. in Linguistik, University of Cambridge, Selwyn College, England

    • Abschlussnote: Mit Auszeichnung (starred first)
    • Betreuer: Dr. Paul de Lacy (emeritus)

    Bachelor in Linguistik und Germanistik, Rice University, Houston/Texas/USA


    • Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
    • Technische Universität Dresden/Deutschland

  • Professur für Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Englisch an der OTH Regensburg (seit 2014)

    • AW-Sprachenprogramm
    • B.A.-Programm International Relations and Management

    Forschungssemester bei BMW Werk Regensburg (2017)

    • Forschungsprojekt zu interner Kommunikation und interkultureller Kompetenz

    Professur für Englisch an der FH Rosenheim

    • Fremdsprachenprogramm

    Sprachwissenschaftliche Projektleitung bei PRIME Research in Mainz

    • Beratung zu PR-Strategie, Medienüberwachung und Analyse für Kunden, v.a. in den Automobil- und Pharmaindustrien
    • Produktmanagement und Marketing einer Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Lösung mit einer B2B-Marketingstrategie, Kundengesprächen und Produktvorstellungen
    • Entwicklung von Daten- und Textminingsoftware für die automatische Sammlung und Analyse von Online Media Content

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der National Defense University in Washington, USA

    • Forschung zu strategischen Implikationen der Integration von Migranten in Europa


    • (2022) The intersection of gendered disinformation and state-aligned influence operations: RT DE’s framing of Annalena Baerbock in the 2021 German federal election.
    • (2022) Political communication and agenda setting in the adaptation of a national party platform to a local constituency: An analysis of the communication strategy of an SPD direct candidate in the 2021 German federal election.
    • (2022) Securitizing disinformation and foreign influence operations after Russia’s annexation of Crimea: The EU’s approach.
    • (2022) Discourse analysis of political commentary and logical reasoning: An analysis of the coverage by Tucker Carlson on the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.
    • (2022) Framing abortion restrictions in the United States: The arguments for the Hyde Amendment in pro-life discourse. Preis der Christa-Lindner-Stiftung für eine herausragende Abschlussarbeit.
    • (2022) German foreign policy communication strategy regarding the 2019-2020 pro-democratic movement in Hong Kong: A qualitative content analysis and frame analysis.
    • (2022) Countering influence operations in Germany: An empirical, comparative analysis inspired by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
    • (2022) Politische Instrumentalisierung geschlechtergerechter Sprache: Analyse des Framings der Partei AfD während des Bundestagswahlkampfes 2021.
    • (2022) The use of neuromarketing techniques in the communication behavior of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele on his Twitter account during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • (2021) Marketing the vax meme: The influence of emotions on social media engagement with vaccination memes. Preis der Christa-Lindner-Stiftung für eine herausragende Abschlussarbeit.
    • (2021) Mobilizations against Covid-19 measures: Collective Action Frames and the functionalization of child-protection in Germany. Written in cooperation with the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung.
    • (2021) Social-Media-Marketing für Pensionen in Deutschland.
    • (2021) Framing at a state-sponsored news network: Coverage of the Navalny case by RT DE. Preis der Christa-Lindner-Stiftung für eine herausragende Abschlussarbeit.
    • (2021) The Brazilian business environment: The reaction of the business sector to the fight against corporate corruption and ways forward.
    • (2020) Reporting on German federal ministers: Gender balance in media visibility.
    • (2020) The influence of interest groups on the reporting of leading media in Germany: The example of the political PR practice of the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft.
    • (2019) Change management in organizations. A resource-based analysis of change communication in dynamic change processes.
    • (2019) Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility. A comparison of strategies in the textile industry.

    • (2018) A digital presidency. Agenda-shaping during the presidency of the Council of the European Union: the case of Estonia.
    • (2017) Mediation in international negotiations: Norway and Cuba’s roles in the Colombian peace talks.

    • (2022) The link between German language competence and cultural intelligence among international people in Germany.
    • (2020) Employee onboarding sensitive to the potentials, needs and vocational stressors of refugees.
    • (2017) Cultural values and vocational education and training: an analysis of Germany and the United States.
    • (2017) Intercultural competence through language learning: an empirical investigation at secondary schools in Bavaria.
    • (2016) Integration von humanitären Migranten in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt: unterstützende Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Integration durch die duale Ausbildung.

    • (2020) Die Auswirkungen des Corona-Virus auf die Mobilität: eine Mixed-Methods-Studie zur Verkehrsmittelwahl junger Menschen in Deutschland am Beispiel des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs. Veröffentlicht als Fachbeitrag in Internationales Verkehrwesen 72 (4).